
For absolute foot comfort and blissfully pain free feet book an appointment today on 0141 959 8401.

Standard Treatments 

All provided with the highest standard of skill and experience:

Hard skin removal

Corn removal

Dry skin treatments

Athlete’s foot


Excessively sweaty feet

Painful nails

Ingrowing nails

Involuted (curved shape) nails

Thickened nails

Fungal nails

As the NHS across the U.K. no longer offers personal nail care, Karen offers a simple nail cutting service for normal nails.

Short appointments at a discounted fee are available for those who wish or need help with nail cutting.

Toe nails will be cut and filed and a little light clearing of the corners if necessary.

Karen follows the S.C.I. Diabetes guidelines for screening the feet. This is the standard set across the NHS in Scotland.

You will be given advice according to the health status of your feet and your G.P will be contacted with the results.

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Specialist Treatments

Nail surgery is offered to patients with recurring painful nails. This can be due to thickening, involution (increased curvature of the nail) or damage caused by trauma.

A Local anaesthetic is used to ‘numb’ the toe to allow a pain free procedure. The surgery will not start until Karen is confident that you can feel no pain at all in the area being treated. Your toe will be thoroughly assessed prior to commencing the procedure.

You will be given written advice on how to care for your toe and 1 or 2 follow up appointments where Karen can check on your progress.

For optimum healing it is recommended that you rest for 48 hours after surgery.

Please arrange transport home as you will not be able to drive after receiving a local anaesthetic anywhere in your foot.

Local anaesthetic is used to ‘numb’ the area being treated. At times, depending on the area to be treated, it may be necessary to anaesthetise the whole foot.

After removal, the wound will be dressed and padded for protection.

A return appointment will be given for 5-7 days time. Further appointments may be necessary depending on the severity of the problem.

Please arrange transport home as you will not be able to drive after receiving a local anaesthetic anywhere in your foot.

Sometimes the joints, ligaments and tendons of the lower limb can move out of alignment causing foot, ankle, knee or hip pain.

Orthotics are used to help re-align the anatomical structures within the door easing the strain on soft tissues and reducing pain.

Optimal results are achieved when orthotic use is combined with a programme of exercises specific to the problem.